Friday, January 27, 2006



I sometimes feel like breaking my habits[1]. Today, I was feeling a bit morose, and I was having some serious craving after working out. Both yesterday and the day before I felt like eating a hamburger after work, but since I did not have the Coupon readily available (forgot it at home two days in a row) I abstained...

Today, the Coupon was there. In the inner pocket of my old coat. Thus, it was time to binge. (Buy one whopper meal, get a whopper for free)

After eating two whoppers (I'm not that big, really) I feel like throwing up, bursting, or maybe a combination of the two. Or better yet, make that a trifecta. Throwing up, passing out and bursting! Couple these feelings with some (non-Kierkegaardian) angst (it is food-related), and you have the recipe for a fantastic evening. Also, since it was friday - I was being casual, as in extra scruffy. I guess I don't like looking like a bum.

1] I normally swear by ceasar salad and sushi (my staple lunch foodstuffs).

u like 2 ABSTAIN?
You have been challenged. Yo, yo, yo.
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